Chapter 5 Test Study Guide


Chapter 5 Test Study Guide: The Constitution

Key Terms: Define the following words.

  1. Ratified                          5.article
  2. Constitution                    6.amendments
  3. Bicameral              government
  4. Preamble                       8.supremacy clause

Definitions: Match each definition/statement with a vocabulary word or name of a person.                                                                           

9. Delegate who kept a notebook of daily events ________________                         

10. At 81, the oldest delegate to the convention            ________________                         

11. Delegate who was chosen to preside over the convention __________________           

12. Delegate who was against the conventions and did not attend   ____________________         

13. Branch of government that interprets the law                   ________________               

14. Branch of government that makes the laws             ________________               

15. Sherman`s plan for government that satisfied all the states        ________________     

16. Branch of government that enforces the laws          ________________               

17. Plan that allowed every five enslaved persons to count as three free persons ______________________

Questions: COPY & answer the following questions.

18. The form of government in which power is divided between the national government and the states is called _______________________.

19. The first constitution of the U.S. is __________________________.

20. What refers to powers given to state governments but not to the national government?

21. Which article of the Constitution deals with how the legislative branch will work?

22. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution are known as the ____________________.

23. __________  ____________ is the notion that governmental power lies with the people.

24. What keeps one branch of government from becoming too powerful by checking on them?

25. Article VI declares the Constitution of the U.S. the ______________________.

26. Which state chose not to take part in the Constitutional Convention?

27. According to the _______   ____  _______, the law applies to everyone, even those who govern.

28. ___________  ______________are held by both state and federal/national governments. (Type of power)

29. Which plan stated that “states would be represented by basis of population”? ____________

True/False: COPY & write either true or false for each statement.

30.  Florida can declare war on other countries.

31. The Constitutional Party was the meeting held in Philadelphia to fix flaws in the Articles of Confederation

32. The Anti-Federalists opposed the newly created U.S. Constitution.

33. The president and vice president do not need to follow the law.

34. In order for the constitution to be approved ALL 13 states had to vote YES.

Fill-In the Blanks: Copy the Preamble and fill-in the blanks

“We the People of the 35._______  _______, in Order to form a more perfect 36._______, establish 37._______, insure 38._______ ______, provide for the common 39.________, promote the general 40._______, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our 41._________, do 42.________ and establish this 43.____________ for the United States of America.”