Chapters 10 & 11 Test Study Guide

Chapters 10 & 11 Test Study Guide

Directions: Answer the following questions. You may either use the Textbook Online ( and/or your notes to complete this study guide. You can either PRINT OUT this handout and write in the answers or COPY and answer the questions.

Key Terms: Define the following terms.

  1. Political Party
  2. Platform
  3. Third Party
  4. Two-Party system
  5. Precinct
  6. Suffrage
  7. Ballot
  8. Polling place
  9. Recall
  10. Popular Vote

Directions: Answer the following questions.

11. What is the term for an individual part of a party’s platform?

12. What are 4 qualifications needed in order to vote?

13. The United States is said to have a ____ system.

14. Tammany Hall is a notorious example of a political _______________.

15. List the 6 steps in the Voting Process.

16. Many people think ________, or lack of interest, is the main reason for low voter turnouts.

17. Presidents are chosen by the _____________ not by the popular vote.

18. In order to win a presidential election, a candidate needs to receive _________ electoral votes.

19. What are the 3 types of elections in the U.S.?

20. There is a presidential election every _______ years.

21. What is the purpose of campaigns?

22. Political action committees (PACs) give most of their money to __________________

23. ________ are donations given directly to a candidate of a political party.

24. “John Jones has a horrible record. If he continues, you will lose a lot of money. Vote.” This Ad was paid with _______________.

25. “I am the best person for the job. My opponent is bad. Vote for me tomorrow when you go to the polls.” This Ad was paid with _______________.

26. Citizens who cannot get to the polls on Election Day can vote by _____________


Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.

27. Abraham Lincoln was the first Democrat to be president.

28. George Washington was against political parties.

29. If you are a United States citizen, you are legally required to join a political party.

30. Democrats are generally seen as being conservative.